Coat of Arms & Long Surname History Wood Plaque
Double Family Coat of Arms Wedding Display.
Surname History and Family Shield Combination.

The name origin of your family genealogy is important as it tells you what country you are from. We have surnames with origins from more than one country as well. The Tree Maker offers a Free Coat of Arms Search that includes a search for the origin of a last name. This can really help with your own family genealogy research. It focuses you on one or two countries and sometimes a few more, rather than not knowing which country your name has an origin in at all. Using Heraldry and other resources The Tree Maker can at least help some in your search. Let us know how we can help in searching back for your family genealogy records.

Place Your Order By Calling 615-696-0202

Due to Covid-19 our hours of availability and order processing have been shortened to Mondays and Fridays only as we are a small family business. If you have any questions please email us at for the fastest response possible. If you have concerns about processing times you may email those concerns prior to placing your order. We are working as fervently as possible on existing orders and appreciate your patience during this time. Thank you for your business. From our family to you and yours stay safe and blessings to you all.

Name Origin of Both Surnames in Your Family Genealogy

The name origin of both surnames in your family genealogy is a beautiful display shown below. Stunning color and elegant artwork is used along the borders of each family name and its origin. This design sets itself apart from other products on the market that show the surnames and their origin in your family genealogy.

The Frame of the Name Origin of two Surnames is about 18.8 x 25.75 inches overall.
Name Origin of Both Surnames in Your Family Genealogy

Credit Cards to Pay for Your Name Origin of Both Surnames
Personal checks accepted just click here to get our address, or order by phoneToll Free: 866-480-0202.

Item No. 1152
Name Origin of Family Genealogy {Unframed}

Item No. 1153
Name Origin of Family Genealogy in Burl Wood Finish Frame

Item No. 1315
Name Origin of Family Genealogy in Black Wood Finish Frame

Item No. 1316
Name Origin of Family Genealogy in Gold Wood Finish Frame

Item No. 1317
Name Origin of Family Genealogy in Cherry Wood Finish Frame

Item No. 1318
Name Origin of Family Genealogy in Oak Wood Finish Frame

Item No. 1319
Name Origin of Family Genealogy in Pewter Wipe Glaze Wood Finish Frame   ***Discontinued***

These prints have detailed information about your family genealogy and the origin of each name. It will give the earliest know record that mentions your surname and the origin of that record. The name origin of each family genealogy has a unique past, and it is a past that belongs to your genealogy alone.

The prints will not only show your family genealogy and name origin, but will also show the last name classification. For example if your name was

Family Crest - Alphabetic Surname Listings
A| B| C| D| E| F| G| H| I| J| K| L| M| N| O| P| Q| R| S| T| U| V| W| X| Y| Z
Coat of Arms - Alphabetic Surname Listings
A| B| C| D| E| F| G| H| I| J| K| L| M| N| O| P| Q| R| S| T| U| V| W| X| Y| Z

The Tree Maker ask that you please read the "Frequently Asked Questions" section before ordering. It covers a number of subjects in detail. Most of the questions are in regards to customization to family tree charts, family coat of arms, family crest symbol, Design Your Own Coat of Arms Symbol, surname history, family rings, and last name meaning, but the first few apply to everyone. This will help avoid any problems that could arise about your order. Free pedigree chart if needed. These family tree products make great birthday gifts, Christmas presents, or a Wedding and Anniversary gift.